Tara Toy’s website adheres to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA) and the guidelines of the Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) of the Council of Better Business Bureaus, Inc.
Tara Toy is committed to protecting your on-line privacy and wants you and your child to have a safe and pleasant experience visiting our site. Parents can help by spending time online with their children and monitoring their children’s online use. Please instruct your child to never provide personal information on this site or any other without your permission.
If you are under 18, please read this policy with your parents and ask questions about material you do not understand. Children under 13 should get permission before giving out an e-mail address or any other personal information to taratoy.com or anyone else on the internet.
Does Tara Toy collect personal information from adults or 13 and older?
Tara Toy does not require the public to share personal information in order to view our website. However, within our site there is a section which allows you to contact us via e-mail with regards to licensing, sales and customer service inquiries. Personal information requested may include first and last name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address. Please note that we request that no one under 13 years of age contact us unless they receive permission from a parent or guardian.
Does Tara Toy collect personal information from children under 13?
Tara Toy does not collect personal information on-line from children under 13 without their parent’s consent except in special circumstances. We might collect an e-mail address and name from a child that is under 13 without a parent or guardian’s consent only if a child under 13 sends us an e-mail request or inquiry. We will only keep this information for long enough to adequately respond to the child’s question.
How Does Tara Toy use the information collected?
Tara Toy will use the information collected only for the purposes indicated at the time such information is provided. For example, if you send us an inquiry regarding one of our products we will use the information to respond to your question in a timely fashion.
Does Tara Toy collect any information without consent?
Tara Toy does not collect any information passively through cookies or other tracking mechanisms.
Please remember, by allowing you to send e-mail to us, Tara Toy is not attempting to collect any personal information about you. This information will only be used to respond to your specific inquiry and/or comments. After we have adequately responded to you, your e-mail will be deleted.
* Tara Toy reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Such changes will be
posted here on the website.